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Author Topic: I Think I am Retired  (Read 13569 times)
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Soda Jerks
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« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2014, 12:23:58 pm »


You wont retire !!  You still need a Lollypop Sign LOL 

Glascock Counter Top
VMC 81 7Up
Vendo-110-81D-V-56 V-23
Jacobs Pepsi-56
Stoner Cookie &5 Pull Pastry& 180 Candy
Kelvinator FS-51(Canada)
Cavalier's C-55-E-C-55-D
Selmix Sprite
Selmix Pepsi on Draugh
Soda Jerks
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Collector of Ol Smoothie Rootbeer

« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2014, 03:59:14 pm »

So would this be considered "TEASING"...

Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
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« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2014, 05:35:03 pm »

Anyone who can amass a collection of machines from the major players, be it 110's 81's sliders or whatever gets my utmost admiration!! BTW, if you're retired, HOW are you gonna get these restored without breaking the "I Think I'M Retired" clause? Anyway, awesome collection. Looking forward to seeing them in all their restored glory!!!
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2014, 05:57:38 pm »

       Just aquiring that set of 110's is the thrill and satistfaction of this hobby.  Can't say the same about restoring each of them though!
If mine, I would store that family all together and direct that resoration cash towards chasing down more treasure.  happydrinkers

Soda Jerks
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« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2014, 07:40:30 pm »

Nice collection.  I am near retirement too.  Space is always an issue. 

A lot of stuff.
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2014, 07:47:19 pm »

Everytime I think I'm Out, There's Another Machine That Pulls Me Back In!


I dreamed I had a good job and I got well paid.
I blew it all at the penny arcade.

-Eric Clapton & B.B. King
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2014, 08:32:18 pm »

That's the thing.... I don't want to stop buying because of  don't want any more... I need to stop because I only have so much room to display them!  As it is now, I have 16 machines in my mancave (and the are all spaced out nicely, not in the way of anything).
Yes John... that 7up 81 is a tease! Is it for sale? lol.....  darn  I have a problem! lol
Always room for a 44 lol....

Yes Leonard... a lollipop sign would be nice... as would a coke safety cop, or a 36" button, or more Vendo coin changers...... the list goes on
Once I get my Victor bar in the cave (just picked it up with the RC) I will take pics of the setup I have... people have been asking me to post.


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Soda Jerks
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« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2014, 09:51:59 pm »

Dang nice collection and slide show. Thank you for that!
Myself I'd just give the exteriors a clean and polish. Great matching patina going on there.

Any party should last into the wee hours with 550 cold in the 110's before a single dime drops in the 81's :-)
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« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2014, 10:55:15 am »

Nice collection, congrats!
If your "retired" maybe it's time to turn to working on your house, well, maybe just a small addition. Sounds like it really needs a freight elevator to the man cave! You could hide the entrance behind some fold down bushes and install a fire pole that you can only access by pressing a red button. The button would need to be hidden, maybe under the head of a fake statue............
Soda Jerks
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Collector of Ol Smoothie Rootbeer

« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2014, 02:12:59 pm »

I agree with Glens Statement about "now the real work has begun to get them restored" but if your hiring it out, then it's just cash flow...

I agree that most of the fun is the "Hunt"... I had all the 81's as well , except for the RC of course and had fun obtaining them all, but then had a realization that : 1- I don't have the money to restore all of them, 2- if I did , I don't have the room to display them all, and 3-  The cash would be nice to pursue some other things...

so I sold the Generic, The Pepsi, but kept my original 81D Coke and have this 7up that will someday sell I'm sure for the right offer so I can take the MS on a nice Trip to Italy...

but in the meantime , it's fun just to know I have it...


Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
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