« on: February 08, 2014, 09:56:58 am » |
Hello everyone,
Soda-Machines.Com has grown exponentially over the years with many new faces/names and plenty of long term residents spending their time sharing knowledge and expertise in this great hobby of Soda Machines Collectibles!
With this said, I have become concerned lately with the direction Soda-Machines.Com Discussion Areas appears to be headed! The recent topics relating to business practices of restoration professionals and/or parts suppliers has escalated to levels that I deem inappropriate! I am not justifying their actions; only stating that SMC Discussion Areas will not be utilized for venting frustrations with any parties involved in business transactions outside the scope of Soda-Machines.Com! I have always requested people to use diligence and care with regard to selecting any type of professional!
Additionally, I have a growing concern for members being disrespectful to each other! I am not going to infringe upon anyone's Constitutional First Amendment Rights; however, I think we should all respect everyone's opinion! We may not agree and can respectfully disagree, but please do not get into a "pissing match" at/on the SMC Discussion Areas! It will not be tolerated!
At the end of the day or early morning for some of you, we all enjoy visiting Soda-Machines.Com provided there is no bickering, complaining, whining or any other non-contributory squabbling... We all need to keep Soda-Machines.Com & the Discussion Areas a valuable resource with education at the fore-front! All of our sponsors support Soda-Machines.Com with enthusiasm for ensuring this hobby to move forward and grow while attracting new collectors.
Thank you for listening to my concerns and hopefully we can stay focused on the future...
My six cents, Jim 
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2014, 01:03:40 pm » |
Well said Jim.
As always I appreciate all you do for SMC and how you've helped me in the past
Keep up the good work and thanks for posting this!!!!!!
Pepsi 81, 7up 81, Generic 81 Vendo Milk & Ice Cream 2 Stoner Theaters, Cigarette, Pastry, Cafe 500 Minit Pop, Popcorn Sez, You'll Like It U Select It
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2014, 07:00:52 pm » |
Sounds great lets keep it clean and respectful.
Ideal 35 RC v 23 deluxe v 39 c 96 c 55 e C 51 g C 72 C96 V 27 Westinghouse JR ice chest Westinghouse standard ice chest Westinghouse master ice chest early model Stoner jr. Stoner theaters Thanks Jeff
Posts: 41
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 07:54:33 pm » |
Thank you Jim for emphasizing your direction for this site. I personally believe you’ve hit the nail on the head. Educating and attracting new collectors IS the future. No other site out there even comes close to offering the services for a collection group that your site does, and, I think I’ve looked at most, if not all, of them. Keep your chin up and have a good one. Ted
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2014, 08:43:21 pm » |
hello jim thankyou for everything you do for the site.totally agree with your direction for the site. thanks jared
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2014, 09:19:05 pm » |
Thanks for such a great site Jim.
Sometime's a ship needs to be set back on course...........
Cavalier C1-55D Cavalier C2-55E Westinghouse WB126-B6-D (daily driver) Vendo 39
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2014, 08:25:26 pm » |
Well stated and again I appreciate everyone's help up here..
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2014, 03:18:47 pm » |
This is a great site, thanks for all the hard work
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2014, 04:11:29 pm » |
First and foremost, thank you for the site that has served so many people over the years.
I have been a member of SMC for 10 years now and I am significantly less involved with the board now as I was a few years back. Tons of weekend warriors that want to make a buck on this hobby has been the recent trend and I am growing a little tired of it.
I have said before that the "flippers and amateur restorers" should have their own board. I have no problem with people making a buck. However, I am am more interested in the machines and era itself. It seems that there are less and less true hobbyists here, and more of those who want to live their lives vicariously through Rick Dale . I truly admire and respect those individuals who make their complete livelihood on doing restorations. They have gone "all in" and I realize there are easier ways to make a living.
I wish there was more enthusiasm for the actual machines , rather than a means to make money. I'm not whining. Just making an observation
Vendo 39 Original Cavalier C-51 Restored Cavalier C-96 Restored (almost done) GE Double Chiller Restored Cavalier C-33 7 Up Restored Vendo 27b Pepsi Vendo 81b Westinghouse wd-5 / WE-6 3 Stoner Candy/Theatre/Junior/180 Bastian Blessing Bobtail soda fountain Jacobs 56 Pepsi
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2015, 03:15:49 pm » |
I'm in.
Vendo 81A Original Vendo 81B Original Vendo 81D Restored Vendo 56 Restored VMC Pepsi 81 Restoredx2 Cavalier 72 Ideal Embossed Coke Slider Stoner Theater Restored Stoner Theater w/Gum Wheel Restored Stoner Jr. Restored Seeburg V200 Jukebox Restored Seeburg 100C Seeburg 100R Seeburg 100W
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2015, 06:04:04 pm » |
I've been on or lurking around this site for about a year now, and it is the best place on the net for all aspects of soda machine collecting and restoration. I think there is a place for all enthusiasts on this forum, whether they be collectors, restorers, or someone wanting to flip for a profit, as long as the focus stays on the love of the machines. I'm not sure what category I fall into. I have four machines now (none of which cost big bucks) and I hope to restore them all just for the joy of it. I take great pleasure in looking through the archives and watching posts to see how you guys transform beat up machines into works of art. If I can come close to what I've seen here, I will be happy.
So, yes everyone should have a voice here, however there have been several times when I have felt embarrassed by the bickering. It's kind of like email, think before you type, once you hit post it is there to stay. Members should be able to monitor their own behavior. The site is too cool to run the risk of losing access.
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2015, 06:43:46 am » |
Welcome to the sight Ben. Glad you enjoy the sight and glad you have the bug like most of us. I liked your post, and it is good to see it from a newbies point of view. Thanks for your comment and hope to hear more from you on the sight. Rod
Rod Fun-Tronics
Andy Jones
Posts: 25
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2015, 04:49:25 pm » |
I, too have lurked quietly here looking for information after having a machine dropped in my lap (the Canteen Cig. Machine)... Then, while at an auction looking for something completely different, I wound up bringing home my "orphan" Vendo HA56E... I saw it there, didn't know if it worked or was even complete, but the little nagging "gotta have it ! gotta have it!" bug was relentless...I got it for $150...it turned out to be complete and functional, other than a bad board in the coin mech... Now I've found myself looking for something to really dig into and restore, as well as a decent cooler with nice patina to use out on my (covered) patio as is. It's all thanks to what I have seen on this board. The enthusiasm you folks have for these beautiful pieces of history is contagious. The talent and patience it takes to restore one of these machines is extraordinary, and I love the fact that not only do you know the mechanics of the particular brands of machine, but also take the time to learn the history of the various companies. I've always had a love for history and things old, particularly mechanical and / or electrical.
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2017, 04:42:17 pm » |
Kinda looks like I have picked a time to come in after a few months absence with my health issues to a period where there have been some discord. I will back this new change 100 per cent!!! HC
VMC 81:RC, 7UP Pepsi Jacobs: 26(4), 160, 35, 50, 56 Quikold RC, Orange Crush, Barqs General Vending Leader , Master & Midget(THE DALY 32) American Vendor 124 Guiberson, DP 27 W/stand VMC 33 7UP, Pepsi Mills 45, 47A, 120 W/bottle display 2 Delf Triples VMC 72 70+ soda Venders, 6 Stoner
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2017, 07:31:45 pm » |
Glad you are feeling better!
Vendo 81A Original Vendo 81B Original Vendo 81D Restored Vendo 56 Restored VMC Pepsi 81 Restoredx2 Cavalier 72 Ideal Embossed Coke Slider Stoner Theater Restored Stoner Theater w/Gum Wheel Restored Stoner Jr. Restored Seeburg V200 Jukebox Restored Seeburg 100C Seeburg 100R Seeburg 100W
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2017, 08:50:19 pm » |
Glad you are feeling better!
Glad to hear as well!!
I dreamed I had a good job and I got well paid. I blew it all at the penny arcade.
-Eric Clapton & B.B. King
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2017, 07:29:17 pm » |
Jim I here what your saying hope everybody does also this is supposed to be a fun hobby not a place to complain all the time we all know who not to deal with and like you said do your home work before doing business with someone you don't know . Thanks again for all you do and for everyone here that helps us all.
Vendo-39 Vendo-27a Vendo-56 7 up VMC-33 Popperette Vendo 27 Vendo 44 Pepsi Gullwing Minut pop Seeburg W You'll Like popcorn Glasscock Counter Top Popcorn Sez
RC kid
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2017, 12:06:56 pm » |
I'm just voicing my support for Jim. This site is a valuable resource and I'd like very much for it to remain so.
Thank you Jim for all your hard work.
5 Cent Member

Posts: 82
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2018, 05:51:26 am » |
Gday from Australia,
as a new member to the forums, but having visited as a guest before, I love it. I have been a vintage Coke machine enthusiast for years, adoring from afar. Finally after 6 years of searching for a Coke machine like the one from my childhood, I found one.
Now that I have found one, you have to have a site like this where people who have been there and done that are willing to offer advice freely with enthusiasm, especially when you do not live in the U.S. Here in Australia, retired coke machines aren't as plentiful, and as a result there are no dedicated restoration servicse here either, only parallel trades that can offer work on machines, or enthusiasts like yourselves.
I will never have anything resembling a Rick Dale restored Coke machine, but I am trying to clean up my still working machine, and make sure it won't break down anytime soon. There is no was that could happen if sites like this didn't exist.
Great work Jim.
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2018, 08:12:20 am » |
Thanks for the reminder Jim. This site is a valuable forum for many of us, and we all appreciate it.
VMC 7up 81 VMC Pepsi 33 Coke 81 Pepsi CV 78D Vendo Milk Machine Whistle Quikold Whistle S&S Cleo Cola Quikold Stoner Gum Wheel Looking for Picnic Coolers Wanted- Superior Jr Orange Crush and Grapette Starr X Openers