I just think it's awful that someone would let their cat whizz on something like this often enough for long enough to let it ruin the metal work. I admit, I don't totally have room to talk about taking care of machines and parts, but I certainly wouldn't knowingly permit a tomcat to damage a Vendo 81 like this. I suspect this occurred over at least 2 years, probably several.
Even if it were outside, I could see a loose/stray/his own pet tinkling on it once in awhile. I still don't like it, but it's kinda hard to stop outside. However, this was indoors. I wouldn't have a cat or dog indoors anyway, but hypothetically if I caught that thing relieving itself on my $2000-$3000 machine, I'd chuck it out so fast it wouldn't even know which end would hit the ground first.
It'd have to be a heck of a good deal on an otherwise complete machine for me to consider it. My position on coke machines is different from most collectors. It's not so much that I'm averse to this type of machine, just the glass soda bottles.
Also, I couldn't afford the massive amount of repair work something like this entails, if you'll pardon a pun there.
Keep it simple. A working USS (BTW, I don't like woodgrain.
), and maybe a working Corny slider (I'd make that an an Ideal or Glasco if they weren't $$$$). Perhaps a junk USS too if need be. Later on maybe I can turn my thoughts to the serious machines. Unless one of the better ones falls into my lap.