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Author Topic: Markito's v-216md fixup project (help a newbie)  (Read 27314 times)
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« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2005, 03:16:42 pm »

Hi guys,
Next question...
About one out of every four pop cans gets stuck like in the photo below. Sure if I rock the machine, it continues on down and out the machine's little doggie door, but what fun is that? I want it to come shooting out every time.

What do people do to keep cans from stopping before their intended destination?
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 6228

« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2005, 04:34:02 pm »

Your machine was built to vend 6 oz and 12 oz bottles back in the fifties. They hadn't thought up soda pop cans. The bottles are heavier and naturally drop harder.
        Do the dispensing augers have spacers added? If so, removing them helps. Also try stacking the cans furter back, and a full rack puts most weight on the can thats ready to dispense. ( I think that if the chute were designed deeper under the right and left columns, the problem be solved.)
        In other words- do what we all do- get in there and tinker with it.   '<img'>

« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2005, 02:25:30 pm »

Hi guys,
When my V-216MD was vending cans, it worked great. But now that I have replaced the cans with 10 ounce retunable glass bottles, it keeps getting stuck. I think it is because the bottles are thinner than the cans and so the placement of the bottles in the chutes aren't staying diagonal and are getting almost side by side, so that they get jammed and can't come out.

I was thinking that I should attach a semi-thin piece of wood on one of the interior (left or right) sides of each chute from the top until the bottom, just before the spot where the roller is, to make it more narrow so the bottles will stay diagonal.

Does this sound like the right solution?
Any tips or personal experience?

I see that my chutes have clips at the top and botton of each side of the chutes, and it finally dawned on me that those were probably installed to hold a similar (but metal) sort of thing to adjust for different bottle width. Am I right? And if so what were the metal adaptors like that went in the clips?

Soda Jerks
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« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2005, 03:37:15 pm »

You are right. Shims were hung to narrow the stacks. The plywood would work temporarily but probably warp in that temperature. But that's OK, they're easy to replace.

« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2005, 04:01:43 pm »

Thanks MD. '<img'>
Does anyone still have these? Can I get them anywhere?
In the meantime, I'll use the wood strips.
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2005, 08:34:50 pm »

Now that I have everything working, here is my Vendo 216MD all loaded up with glass bottles (of Coke & Diet Coke) and cans (of Diet Coke with lime... my addiction). You can kind of see the wooden strips in the sides to make the bottle chutes a little more narrow. I'm a very happy guy! '<img'>
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2005, 08:42:03 pm »

Nice work Marko!

"Restored they go for $6-7,000!!"
Member : Michigan Mafia
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2005, 10:07:39 pm »

Thanks Kilroy!

So here is the final placement of the machine.
You may remember that initially I was going to lower the deathtrap down my steep stairs to the gameroom in my basement, but that seemed too crazy and it looked so cool on the main floor, we decided to make a place for it right next to the kitchen!

We even had the cupboard hanging from the ceiling trimmed smaller and the wall patched so that we could custom fit the huge machine!

Everyone that comes to our house loves it, the glass bottles and cans are chilled to perfection and I feel cool that one of my coin operated babies is right in the main living area!

I couldn't have done any of it without you guys, so I REALLY appreciate al the advice I got here.
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2005, 10:09:10 pm »

I can't remember if I posted this yet, so here goes.
To give perspective on how big this thing is, here is a pic of my 5 year old son in front of it (you can see we were still patching and painting the wall behind it):

« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2005, 10:15:23 pm »

Oh, here is a closeup of the labels I made. They came from images I found on the internet, then I shrunk them all to the same small scale and then just printed them on plain xerox style paper (though soon I'll print them on glossy to look even better). I hope someday to find a parted out V-216MD so that I can get replacement clear plastic windows for these cracked and scuffed ones.

I have "Diet Coke with Lime" in cans, "Diet Coke" in returnable glass bottles and "Coke" in returnable glass bottles.

My only wish is that I had one more selection so that I could also feature beer.

The labels actually look better in person, without any flash reflection.
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