« on: May 08, 2013, 06:27:44 pm » |
Spent the last few evenings cleaning up the compressor out of my VMC 81.
Thanks JohnnieG for some helpful tips...
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 07:19:57 pm » |
Looks GREAT!!!!!
1941 Stoner Theater Candy (unrestored) 1947 Pop'Corn Sez Warmer (restored) 1920's Coca-Cola themed cash register S & S 700 7up ice chest Vendo 81D
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 07:58:07 pm » |
Looking good Jared, Amazing what a little paint can do.
Cavalier 27 Jacobs 26 Ideal 55 Hires root beer, 7-Up restored Ideal 55 Pepsi, Barqs original Double cola,Squirt,Nesbitts,Canada Dry on deck 3 Westy 60's 3 Westy 78's Cav 72 original S&S 1400 WD2 Pepsi Stoner Junior
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2013, 09:32:28 pm » |
Looks great, the power of a rattle can!
This is just a suggestion, I would clean up the copper lines and polish them up, really makes it pop. You can get a mirror shine on the copper with some steel wool and some Flitz or equivalent, and it'll look brand new.
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2013, 09:38:34 pm » |
Looks great. I agree with polishing up the copper. What are you doing with the condenser fan bracket? I like doing it in the same silver as the evaporator. Makes it stand out and give a little breakup to the black on the compressor deck.
Vendo 56 - restored Vendo 81 - in progress Vendo 39 - in the rough Rockola 1428 - Original 1959 Williams Pinch Hitter Wurlitzer 1400 1930 Koken Barber Pole
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2013, 09:46:15 pm » |
Looks great. I agree with polishing up the copper. What are you doing with the condenser fan bracket? I like doing it in the same silver as the evaporator. Makes it stand out and give a little breakup to the black on the compressor deck.
I was thinking about polishing up the copper it was just easier to paint it for now instead of taping it off. As far as the fan bracket for the condensor I was going to do it in silver since the fan motor is black.
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2013, 09:49:27 am » |
The Fan Blades also look Great when Polished. Just be careful not to bend the blades. And the Fan Blades can be dangerous when they get jammed in the polisher and fly across the shop LOL, Trust me.
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2013, 10:10:39 am » |
Nice work,
I will be doing the same.
I hope it looks as nice.
Vendo 39 Original Cavalier C-51 Restored Cavalier C-96 Restored (almost done) GE Double Chiller Restored Cavalier C-33 7 Up Restored Vendo 27b Pepsi Vendo 81b Westinghouse wd-5 / WE-6 3 Stoner Candy/Theatre/Junior/180 Bastian Blessing Bobtail soda fountain Jacobs 56 Pepsi
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2013, 11:34:46 am » |
nice job
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2013, 02:03:13 pm » |
well done
Vendo 81 Vendo 39 Pepsi VMC 81 Ideal Slider Glasco Slider
Posts: 22
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2013, 04:50:30 pm » |
I just got my first vending machine and want to do the same. Is there anything I need to watch for or NOT to do when doing this? Like... A certain kind of paint or don't pray a certain area etc. I'd appreciate the tips on a restore.
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2013, 08:20:19 am » |
The photo shows you pretty well what you can do.
the key is to remove all wiring, fan motors , thermostat.. and get the unit cleaned up very well,, if soap and water doesn't do it get it sandblasted or at least a wire brush out and scrub the heck out of it..
once it's clean and dry.. then paint away.
I've used several kinds of paint and haven't had any issues.. some say to use high heat for the compressor , but if your compressor is getting so hot it needs high heat paint you have other issues.
depends if you like the glossy black look , flat black or if you have a lot of imperfections in the metal you can go with a hammertone..
for the condenser (top portion) many use silver hammer tone or just as silver metallic paint.
Good luck! hope this helps
Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2013, 10:26:50 am » |
AS a plumber working with old buildings that want a cooper pipe to stay shinny when exposed if you sand it and clear coat it , it will not oxidize and will remain shinny.
Ideal 35 RC v 23 deluxe v 39 c 96 c 55 e C 51 g C 72 C96 V 27 Westinghouse JR ice chest Westinghouse standard ice chest Westinghouse master ice chest early model Stoner jr. Stoner theaters Thanks Jeff
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2013, 09:26:32 pm » |
Netminder8....I'm not trying to hi-jack this thread but I finished my first machine about a year ago and took tons of pics and kept up with the process on a blog.....You might get some tips from it. I got lot's of help from the good folks here. www.vendo80.blogspot.comBrian
Posts: 22
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2013, 12:27:49 am » |
Thanks for the advice. I just picked up another machine today. I couldn't resist. I got my first Vendo H63-A in full working condition no major rust but a few dings. Nothing some body work and paint can't fix. Then today, from the same guy I got a Cavalier USS-8-64 in full working condition with no rust and no dings. Actually a great cleaning would be enough. Both units for $150.00 each. I thought it was a decent deal.
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2013, 07:56:46 am » |
Thanks for the advice. I just picked up another machine today. I couldn't resist. I got my first Vendo H63-A in full working condition no major rust but a few dings. Nothing some body work and paint can't fix. Then today, from the same guy I got a Cavalier USS-8-64 in full working condition with no rust and no dings. Actually a great cleaning would be enough. Both units for $150.00 each. I thought it was a decent deal.
The USS-8-64 is probably the best of the square-top machines overall. Definitely one of the most versatile. I have one in my garage and was happy to have it for double what you paid for yours. Well done! Jim
Embossed Coke Ideal 55 Slider VMC-44 Vendo V-80 Westinghouse WE-6
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2013, 12:37:01 am » |
Got the refrigeration order in on Saturday, a few evenings and a little help from a friend dropping the compressor in.
Posts: 38
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2013, 02:39:57 am » |