So the machine that brought my hobby into existence, a great Vendo 63 that spent 15 years in a fraternity house, died on the guys recently (compressor and general neglect). The house is at RPI, in Troy, NY right outside of Albany. I posted some photos of the roached machine that we considered holy and the fraternity has a call to action to find a 'new old' machine to replace it. It was sold by the guys who just wanted it out of the house at the time.
Is there anybody in the NY Capital or Western MA region that has a machine for sale, or know of one? I'd love to find a nice USS-64 to replace it, but a bottle only machine would be just as good.
Honestly, we regularly get requests for charity and scholarships from the fraternity with limited response, but this is the first time that I have seen guys from across the country ready to throw money at a cause!