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Author Topic: Loading cans  (Read 8749 times)
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« on: December 07, 2004, 07:46:12 pm »

Just bought a Coke machine...newer model, I do not know the mfgr yet because I do not have it in possession but I do have a model number if anyone can recognize it.

DNCB 501CC 280 7  Although this is the number given to me by the seller I suspect it isn't a model number but rather a lot number of a vendor.

My question is how to load the cans.  The seller does not know how to load the cans.  He bought the machine at auction and that seller did not know how to load the cans either.

Here is a picture of the guts.

Appreciate any help.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2004, 10:57:22 pm »

That is a Dixie-Narco 501.  Their web site is Dixie-Narco.  You will find all the information you will need for the machine in thier support section.  I have a Dixie-Narco 168.  A good machine so far.  Soda Stack will show you how the cans stack in.  You just start placing them inside the slots and they should be two deep.  You can adjust how many cans you want deep but two will be the max.  If you are still having problems figuring it out I can take a picture of the inside of my machine and show you what it looks like with cans inside.
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2004, 08:14:41 am »

Thanks so much...I will check those sites
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2004, 01:07:59 am »

A Dixie Narco 501 is a 3 Deep Machine. It is 7 Selections and has 8 columns. The first Selection button probably "COKE" controls the first 2 columns  or motors. Selection Button 2 is column 3,  Selection Button 3 is column 4 and so on.
The larger columns (1-2-3) are "double columns" The cans are staggered 3 on the right and 3 on the left. Make sure there are 2 Black spacers on the right and left side.  If missing the cans jam....
To load start with 3 cans front to back on TOP of the bar as you look inside. This bar travels from right to left. It could be on either side. Place 3 more cans on the other side and repeat upwards. You have to rotate the cans into the mechanism.  This can be done 2 ways.   The first and most time consuming is drop money into the coin mechanism to give a credit and push the selection button and repeat 3-4 times for each selection.  Second and quicker method is to remove the metal motor cover and activative the switch on the motor to rotate and drop the cans into the mechanism.  The switch is the last one on the stack of three switches-Push the white or red nub down and the motor will rotate. This will work on all motors.  The single columns (4-8) are easier to load. Open gate and place 3 cans front to back and continue upward then rotate motor until cans vend out the bottom.

Parts are still available.  The best source is Vendors Exchange or tel 800 321 2311.
This machine will also vend 16oz Bottle water and beer bottles with a little tinkering

DNCB stands for Dixie Narco--- 501 is the can capacity---280 stands for bottle capacity---7 stands for 7 selections

Hope this Helps
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