I listed my CS-96e on eBay last week and I sold it late Friday on a very fair "best offer" deal.
Prior to that offer - jeez, you want to talk about low-ballers - I know its a square top, but it works perfectly and I am NOT going to sell it for $100.00 just because you say you would need to spend a lot of money to come pick it up from your home in West Bumblescum. That is NMFP buddy.
A little bittersweet since it was my first Coke machine, but the USS-64 I got recently is really a more practical machine for my purposes and I don't need two square-top slant shelf machines.
I sold it for pretty much what I had into it considering the only real work it needed was a new sign from Funtronics, some bulbs and a coin-mech refresh from Johnnie G, so I'm pretty pleased with the deal. I may turn around and buy one of those cool "return empties here" racks that Funtronics sells. Still debating that one. It would be cool to have an original rack, but I haven't come across any recently.
The buyer is coming to pick it up on the 9th when I get back from India, so perhaps you'll see a new member to the SMC family soon!