Well, I picked up the 7up 110 that was shown here by another member a few weeks back. I know some here thought the machine had no value in it. The way I looked at it was when (sometimes even IF) these machines come up for sale, I have to look at a few factors;
1. distance from me (shipping is not an option as I have to pay heavy duty at the border with brokerage fees etc...)
2. how fast can I make the deal and pick it up, as usually others live closer and can promise a quick pick up. I have to ask nicely if they can hold the machine until I have time on a weekend to pick it up.
3. Price (I felt the price was fair, as parts seperated from the machine are worth more than what I paid for the entire machine)
4. With people close to me dying at a VERY young age, I've learned that life is too short, and that if I want (not need lol, cause who needs a 7up machine) then I rather just get what I find, and enjoy it, rather than waiting weeks, months and even years searching, while spending hours on the computer looking for that particular machine. (I still regret not getting a fellow members 110 7up when he had it for sale, which he offered to me first at a GREAT price)
Well, Im not rambling to justify my purchase, I just like talking machines in any form lol. I like the machine, I think (hope) it can be brought back to it's original glory (already have the wheels in motion to have this be my 2nd restored machine, the Victor bar being first)
So, here's the machine! lol
Let me know what you all think (the shelfs are missing) and it still cools (according to him, no reason to doubt him either.)
He was a GREAT guy to deal with, and I hope to deal with him again!!
P.S. Yes, I know I have an addiction lol, but if you're reading this till the end, then you too are addicted to these machines lol