I agree, spend the money, maybe even the same amount, and get / wait for a 39 to come along.
You even said yourself you're not stoked about this machine, but the price is cheap. Why get a machine taking up space in your cave when you're not gonna be proud to show it off? Sometimes its better to go home alone, then to go home with the last girl at the bar. There is a reason why she's the last one lol.
Just my thoughts, but what do I know! Whatever I learned, I learned from here lol

Oh, and my neck of the woods sounds like yours... that machine here would fetch 800 easy all day long. But, for me to go drive to place that sell them cheaper, and resell them here, with gas at 1.40 a L, just not worth it.
Im itchin to pick up another machine too lol.... just waitin on the right one.