« on: July 22, 2011, 12:55:52 pm » |
Well, I went to South Carolina for vacation this year. While I was there, I checked out how far West Jefferson North Carolina was and decided to do a road trip. I was two hundred plus miles, one way, to West Jefferson. I figured that I probably wouldn't be that close again for a long time so me and my son, Kyle, took a road trip and bought twenty cases of pop (northern term for soda pop) and on the way I decided to take the mountain road up and stop by Antique Vending, Alan Huffmans place. Unfortunately, I couldn't get in contact with him. I talked to his father, who works at the pharmacy, and he informed me that Alan had the kids and wasn't around, so off we went to West Jefferson we went. Nice highways going up, the best was the Blue Ridge highway. I had to cut over through a bunch of little roads, which I thought would be rough and wild, but they were all nicely paved and new. The temperature dropped from 95F to 75F up in the mountains. That was cool, no pun intended. What was cooler was all the variety's of cane sugar pop available. I went for the Dr. Pepper but walked away with R.C., Nehi Peach, Nehi grape, Welches Grape, Sunkist, A&W, Mountain Dew, and 7 Up. I was able to squeeze in four cases in my car on the way back to Chicago. My wifes uncle is coming up in September to bring up the rest. Overall, it was a nice trip.
Yesterday, since I was already in Tennessee for a funeral, I decided to check out the bottler in Pulaski Tennessee. They are mainly a Sun Drop distributer. That was about an 80 mile ride one way. I was a bit disapointed by this adventure because they do not bottle their own soda. They buy it from West Jefferson North Carolina. Since I was there, I picked up some Sun Drop. Sun Drop doesn't exist in Chicago, so most people are like "What's that??" It is similar to Mountain Dew. To me it has a hint of Canfields 50/50 in it, but it is a very sweet drink. Pulaski advertises many brands, but they do not carry 7 up anymore and RC is very scarce. If you want cane sugar Sun Drop, they have it, but it was made in West Jefferson North Carolina.
So overall, West Jefferson is the place to shop if you are ever in Appalachia.