Ha, If I wanted to be a rich man...I would have just won the lottery instead...

Guys, look....
I can't stress enough...I'M NEW AT THIS!!!!! I can't be compared to Speed and Sport or anyone else,
who does plating. You want to compare compressor work??? I'll go up against ANYONE...but, this
is different and new, so it will take time. All I can guarantee, I'll do the best I can, and NOT take you
to the "cleaners". I didn't learn compressors overnight...I didn't learn to be a sheet metal mechanic in
a week...welding, plasma cutting, in a month... and this won't be instant either. I like learning new things, and
I will strive to be the best I can be, at this too. I've got the "basics" and has taken over a year now, it's just experience from here on.
So, I hope this makes some sense. If you want "perfect" show chrome, don't give up on Speed and Sport. I'm aware of their reputation...they do great work. But, if you want a decent job, knowing that every single piece I do, is helping others who will benefit down the road, keep sending the work my way. As long as everyone is interested
in this new venture...I'll keep working hard and doing the best I can...it's an education!