No, not the lamps...just magnetic style ballasts, they are being replaced by the new electronic "ballasts" for energy efficiency, green planet crapola..blah-blah-blah ( Really, take a look down the Ballast section at Lowes or Home-Depot)
so when you break a CFL you have to call & report yourself to the EPA Nazi's
Seriously though, if they break a CFL or a fluorescent lamp in a school, they have to call it a hazmatt situation & get a mercury remediation contractor to clean it up... Foot note.. Congress has on the docket to "flush" the CFL "mandate" ( which like Europe was to ban the sale of standard Incandescence lamps in the USA) due to concerns of mercury contamination of the environment..Ironic isn't it?

So Instead of yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater, now you can yell " I have a 100 watt CFL and I'm not afraid to use it...YAHHHHH"