I had this same siduation some time ago, but I don't remember a dman lock or how it works.
I' looked at a manual but it doesn't give much detail on the locking assembly or any parts suggesting a secondary locking device...?
Do you have a metal dowel that you could put a 75 degree bend in leaving approx. 2" on the end? I'm thinking of inserting the bent dowel into the lock cylinder hole w/ the 2" end pointing down. You'll attenpt to apply pressure upward on the other end of the dowel creating a pivot which will apply pressure on the 2" end hopefully pushing out the handle... I suggest doing this while applying pressure to the whole left side of the cabinet door to relieve pressure on the two latches, top and bottom, so the handle will free up easier...

I got a V-83 open and it was locked shut! You at least have the lock out... But for the life of me, I can't remember what exactly I did to open the box...
