Firstly big thanks to Jim for getting me back online so quickly
Beechies as in the gum/mints/chews etc are these available
throughout the US? SEE LINK BELOW they may make a packsize suitable for a couple of vending
machines, eg hoping they make them in a packsize similar to the
old beechnut or PK gum size packet to enable me to vend them out
of an old beechnut machine
i had meandered onto the Richardson gum company in New York
after hours trawling the world of gum......maybe an idea for a store?
mmm......................welcome to "world of gum" ....maybe someone
has already done that.......usually a couple of decades late with my
well any info greatly appreciated in advance
and by the way, i'm not competing with dave
[or Dr Vend as he is known in some circles..].