A while back, Josh (loman4ec) bought a transitional VMC in Michigan that he needed picked up and stored for a bit. I picked it up and a few months later delivered it to Brian (Seven181) for eventual delivery to Josh.
I have been looking for a Victor C-45 for a while to use as a bar in my basement. Josh knew I was looking for one and a couple months back, he located one near Dayton, OH. Working complete (except for one cap catcher and opener) embossed C-45. Josh put me in touch with the seller and I cut the deal.
Josh and Brian agreed to help with the pick up. Unfortunately, something came up and Josh was not available so Brian did the pick-up. Today, he delivered my machine from South of Dayton, OH to my doorstep about 20 miles northwest of Ann Arbor, MI.

This is what makes this site great - - SMC Members helping each other out!

THANKS Josh for finding the machine and checking it out!

and THANKS Brian for making the pick-up and delivery!

I owe you big time!


PS--Tomorrow I will attempt to add casters--any advice/pointers out there from someone who has done it? Also, I am now in need of a cap catcher and opener for this machine--preferrably white but red will do!