Well I didn't plan on having one of these in the basement when I woke up this morning.

Found it pretty much by accident and had to buy it. Figured I'd never see one like it again. Anyone ever restored one of these? It's a beast of a barber pole. About 3' tall and close to 4' once I find a globe to put on the top. The mounting bracket, top and bottom are cast iron. Bottom ring is about 12" in diameter. When I went to look, I was hoping to find an older, functional, SMALL pole that I could hang in the rec room. My jaw dropped when I saw this thing.

Kind of like looking for a 44 and finding a 6 case. It seems to be in pretty good condition. It came with 2 motors, both of which need some work. There is a newer electric motor that was a retrofit unit. It can be replaced if it won't spin smoothly after being cleaned up. It also came with the original mechanical wind up motor. I would love to get it functional again, but it has huge issues. You can see it in the pics below. The bottom section is supposed to be a coil spring. It has rusted out and the coil has snapped into pieces. The top part with the clockwork gears is dirty and somewhat rough, but all the gears spin freely with no resistance of any kind. Pretty amazing to watch it work. If I can find a replacement spring and get the unit apart, I have no concern about the gear assembly working properly. Anyone have any insight?