Day #2 - Friday, 3/12/10
Collected my Garage Pass from "Da' Boss" and went on my merry way. Here's what I accomplished:
#1 - Lifted the Main Door off of it's hinges and set it aside. (Thanks for the reminder, Glen!

#2 - Removed (6) carrige bolts and nuts from top and bottom hinges. As expected, the bottom set was rusted and required a little more "finesse" to remove them.
#3 - Removed Condensate Drain Tube and hanger bracket.
#4 - Removed Compressor Deck mounting bolt.
#5 - Removed Vendorlator nomeclature tag.
At this point, the cabinet is stripped down with the exception of he leg levelers. I will soak them in pentrating oil before I even attempt to take a crack at them. fNow it's time to turn my attention to the Main Door.
#1 - Removed Bottle Door. (1) hinge was still good, the other was bad. I will replace both. I will break the Bottle Door down to it's component pieces later.
#2 - Removed Main Door Handle.
#3 - Removed Main Door Liner and Rubber Seal. Ran into a little bit of trouble on the bottom row of screws. As is in most cases, the other notoriuos spot for condensation to build up in is the bottom of the interior portion of the Main Door behind the liner. The heads on all of the screws were completely eaten away. What to do......Again I turned to my trusty rotary tool and cut slots into each screw head. That did the trick!! all of them with the exception of (1) came out, using a flathead screwdriver, like a champ. The last one was completely frozen. I cut the back side and the head off flush with the lip of the "shelf" and was able to knock the rest out with a light tap, all done with that!
In the process of removing the Main Door Liner I was able to ascertain that my Connecting Linkage from the Coin Mech to the Vending Stack was still there!! It has just dropped down into the nasty old insulation, one less thing to buy!
#4 - Removed the Bottle Door Trim Assembly.
#5 - Prepared the Refrigeration System for shipping. I ended up building a crate for it and will be taking it to UPS today for shipping.