If you guy would like to hear the rest of the story
While we were in Big boy talking , Josh had called Brian's cell (Seven181) and brian said watch this.
(Brian) Hey Josh yep made it fine having a good time talking with the guys BUT have some bad new for you, Pat has not made it, He call said his truck was T boned and we don't know about your machine.
Long silentance Well can you go get my machine where ever Pat is stuck at

Ok Just Joking, Josh was concerted he did ask about me first then Brian told him it was all
a joke .
I wasn't there, Those weren't tears of joy, and it was really freaky when that song form the Titanic started playing in the background while we were still in the parking lot
I was holding up good till Jim (kilroy) pulled out his Violin and start to play that darn
Titanic theme
