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Author Topic: Ebay Links Help Support SMC ! ! !  (Read 10413 times)
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Soda Jerks
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#1 Soda Jerk!

« on: September 12, 2009, 08:49:57 pm »

Hello everyone,

I wanted to share a somewhat new concept that I have implemented for those of you that still participate on eBay from time to time...
I have provided several searches related to Soda Machines on eBay; these links provide credit to SMC by sending potential bidders to related items.
It doesn't add to the fee structure at eBay should you purchase an item, but allows SMC Members an easy interface to bid on related items.

The new link appears in the Main Menu --> Ebay Auctions

Let me know what you think, any suggestions or dislikes...?

My six cents,


Soda Jerks
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Posts: 6959


« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2009, 09:26:06 pm »

I like it Jim!
I saw a couple of things that I did not see before.

Cav 27, 33, CS-55E-2, 72
S-48 DP
Ideal CC 35, Barq's 55
1930s DP Counter Cooler
Vendo Coin Changers (ea. style - orig w/ stand)
Vendo Junior (rest.), 23 Deluxe, 39D, 44, 56RT, 80SS, 81A (orig), 81D, 6 C.V.
VMC 27, 27A, 81D DP, 110 DP
Westy WC-42-T, WC-44SK, WD-5(2), WB60
Victor C-14
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2009, 11:43:59 pm »

I love it Jim. That is a great idea. Does ebay pay SMC for per click or by purchases or do they pay at all? Either way it is a great idea. After all this site is also for new collectors looking for their first machine and this now gives them more choices. The only thing I would change is I would make a bigger button so it is easier for new visitors to see.
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2009, 09:08:03 am »

thats pretty cool Jim!


V-63 -Bottles
2-Cavalier USS-64
VMC ST56B Royal Crown - being built
Vendo HA56C Coke
2-V63C DP
V63C Coke
U-Select-It 5cent candybar machine
5 Cent Member
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« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2009, 10:58:51 pm »

This is wonderful....  It seems more complete as far as searching.  One stop. Great!!!!

Soda Jerks
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#1 Soda Jerk!

« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2009, 12:44:10 pm »

Does ebay pay SMC for per click or by purchases or do they pay at all
Since I'm very new at this, I'm not sure, exactly... I believe their payment schedule is based on bids/purchases from links, these links I provided, that bring you to eBay. I guess it tracks that you came from SMC and should you place a bid, eBay stores this and some how my SMC PayPal account gets credited...
I'll see how this develops over the coming month(s)... I was consulting with Jim Potts, who manages, and he states that it works pretty good for them.
My only concern is that my queries or item lists show items ending relatively soon and this may not give users a chance to utilize these links effectively... We'll see...
I do think I have been able to get a good cross section of items related to soda machines/coolers...
Thanks again for any suggestions or ideas!

My six cents,


Soda Jerks
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Posts: 1900


« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 01:02:35 pm »


Any idea if you only get a kickback if the item is soda related?  It's pretty easy to add an item number into the URL and give you credit for whatever anyone buys off eBay, but I'm not sure if there are restrictions.

Just enter this into your browser, then add the item # to the end of it.

Just a thought.

Soda Jerks
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Posts: 5888

#1 Soda Jerk!

« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2009, 01:20:41 pm »

I believe I can include individual items; however, if it's a relevant item, it should show up in the list OR at least on the page if you click on the link: "View All # Items on eBay"...
As far as my search criteria is concerned, I wanted to seek out soda machines, coolers and related items only... I could be very generic and get a larger number of items, but I felt it better served if the list is more accurate...
If I did individual items, it would require a little more time on my part to ensure this would be updated regularly when individual items close/start...
Thanks for the dialog!

My six cents,


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